As now lockdown restrictions are ease down, Bollywood people are gearing up for the shoot of projects. Actors are busy with making themselves fit. Rahuul Chwudhary also took tremendous efforts on home workout and the result you can see in the pictures. Rahuul recently got his photo shoot done by fashion photographers Kaif Chouhan and Paul David Martin.
Sharing about his chiseled body Rahuul told, “I start workout with warm-up execercises. Then with dumbbells I execercise for biceps and triceps. I focus on chest, calves and back by performing dumbbell press.”
Besides rigorous workout Rahuul also concentrated on low carb, no fried, no junk diet to get those killer six packs. He said, “I hired a online nutrition consultant Ashish Sharma who advises me online.”
Rahuul will be next seen in BHUJ: THE PRIDE OF INDIA where he plays Virag Patel (Indian Air Force Pilot). The magnum opus is based on a true incident and is one of the fascinating war stories will stream on Hotstar Disney very soon. The film is directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya and has ensemble starcast Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha, Ammy Virk among others. Also his short film AAYAT will be streaming on leading OTT platform soon.
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