TV actress Rachanaa Parulkar, who was last seen in the show Bharat Ka Veer Putra —Maharana Pratap, just got back from a beautiful vacation in the north-east part of India. The actress visited many picturesque areas like Shillong, Gangtok, Assam and even Bhutan.
The actress also shares how her family had a narrow escape from the cyclone Fani. Describing her experience, she said, “I had planned a trip with my family to Sikkim and Bhutan. We reached Guwahati on May 4, when we were informed that Eastern India had been hit by cyclone Fani. The airports had shut and so we decided to hire a car and travel to Cherapunji from Guwahati. We thought Fani had only affected Assam and Odisha and we would soon be away from the affected areas. Fortunately, the rains subsided 24 hours later and we decided to move ahead. We managed to reach Bagdogra somehow. Our driver came later with the car and belongings.”
Rachanaa, who is now back in Mumbai is hoping to get back to work after the holidays. She says, “Thankfully, we were not really affected by the cyclone and ended up enjoying the breathtaking sights of north-east India.”
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