Everest Entertainment, which has produced many popular love stories in Marathi cinema, is now announcing another new love story on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. Director Satish Rajwade, who has shown many shades of love in films such as ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai’, ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai 2’, ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai 3’, ‘Premachi Gosht’, and ‘Ti Saddhya Kay Karte’, is now ready with ‘Premachi Gosht 2’. The story of ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai’ revolved only around young man and woman. Whereas ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai 2’ was a film that took the story forward unlike any sequel and ‘Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai 3’ also saw a unique approach. Satish Rajwade’s movie ‘Premachi Gosht’ was hugely liked by the audience. It was an emotional story of two divorcees falling in love again. ‘Ti Saddhya Kay Karte’ had a sweet reminiscence of childhood love. After all these films, now ‘Premachi Gosht 2’ will come to the audience and the innovation of this film is that one will get to experience a unique combination of VFX and love story releasing in June 2025. But since the names of the artists are still under the wrap, the audience is more curious to know this.
A new story that changes the fate of love will be seen in ‘Premachi Gosht 2’. This love story is based on the concept that love sometimes plays with fate and sometimes fate takes love on a new path. In this film, the audience will get to see an interesting journey of relationships.
The film’s producer Sanjay Chhabria says, “We always come up with new story to entertain the audience. The director who has always won the hearts of the audience by giving a different and unusual plot in love stories is once again bringing a new generation love story for the audience. It will not only be a love story but an amazing experience with stunning visuals of VFX. The audience will definitely like this new concept. It has a feeling that every generation, every age will find close to them.”
Director Satish Rajwade says, “Audiences loved our previous films a lot. Now one such new love story will be seen in the movie ‘Premachi Gosht 2’. It is important to move on with the time. Therefore, the presentation of the plot should also suit that. Not only the love story but also the way of presenting it has been created using modern technology. So this love story is going to be a new age love story that goes ahead of time. A different side of love will be seen in this. When love and fate come together, the result is very different. This entertaining journey of love and destiny is sure to be loved by the audience.”
Presented by Everest Entertainment, ‘Premachi Gosht 2’ is directed by Satish Rajwade, produced by Sanjay Chhabria and co-produced by Amit Bhanushali. This film is going to be a special gift for the audience. This movie will release in June 2025.