Director Prem R Soni, known for helming ‘Main Aurr Mrs. Khanna’ starring Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Sohail Khan, revealed the teaser poster of his upcoming film ‘Radha Kyun Gori Main Kyun Kaala’ on the auspicious occasion of Krishna Janmashtami today.
The teaser poster of the film, which revolves around the theory of Krishna Consciousness, features silhouettes of a man and a woman against the backdrop of an ancient temple with the ‘Geeta Saar’ printed on it.
Prem R Soni revealed, “Radha Kyun Gori Main Kyun Kala is the story of Julia Bien, a Polish girl who is a Krishna Bhakta from childhood. Though Julia has a tough childhood, she finds solace in the teachings of The Bhagvad Geeta and wishes to visit Mathura to see the ISKCON temple there. On landing in India, Julia finds friends and also meets Babul Chaubey, the man she loves. In India, Julia adopts a daughter and decides to make a life here. However, things do not go as smoothly as planned and Julia and Babul end up starting a nationwide movement with the help of the teachings of The Bhagvad Geeta and shine the light of Krishna Consciousness upon the darkness of human nature.”
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