JioCinema is set to premiere the lighthearted family comedy Marathi series, Eka Kaleche Mani, from 26th June. Starring Marathi veteran actor Prashant Damle in the lead, who marks his digital debut with the series, Eka Kaleche Mani showcases the captivating conflict between generations, where parents who hold onto traditional middle-class values, collide with their own children who yearn for a unique lifestyle and embrace unconventional paths. The series is Atul Ketkar’s directorial venture, brought to life by the production of Mahesh Manjrekar, Ruturaj Shinde and Rishi Manohar, and stars a talented ensemble of cast such as Pournima Manohar, Hruta Durgule, Sameer Chougule and Vishakha Subhedar in key roles.
Presented by Jio Studios, the series follows the premise of a Marathi family with middle-class values who find themselves at odds with their children and face generational differences, with a dash of laughter. The father struggles to maintain his image as the head of the household, while the mother is focused on arranging their elder son’s marriage. Meanwhile, their daughter, an animal lover, dreams of starting a pet clothing brand, and their son, a doctor pursuing a PhD in Ireland, plans his return after completing his PhD from Ireland. Amidst the chaos of marriage arrangements, the family faces everyday challenges, providing an uproarious roller coaster of laughter.
Prashant Damle says “It was an absolute delight to portray the role of a typical father in this quirky family. I’m glad that my OTT debut happened with a series like Eka Kaleche Mani, which showcases an authentic story that a lot of families can relate to and will enjoy watching it. It was a truly a rewarding experience to work with a talented cast and being able to bring laughter to people’s lives.”
“Eka Kaaleche Mani is a family drama with eccentric characters depicting the values of togetherness. It is a lighthearted easy going movie that everyone can enjoy. The story, the characters, and the performances are all meant to relax and entertain its audience. Prashant Damle as Mr. Kale is a refreshing addition. His aura is unmatched and it is absolutely visible through his performance. All in all, Eka Kaleche Mani is bouquet of entertainment no one should miss”, says producer Mahesh Manjrekar.
Combining elements of comedy and family drama, Eka Kaleche Mani promises to deliver a rollercoaster ride of emotions, laughter, and relatable moments. Audiences can expect to be enchanted by the endearing characters, engaging storyline, and the seamless blend of traditional values with the aspirations of the younger generation.