Pranati Rai Prakash who has marked her fame in the industry recently announced her ALT Balaji debut in the upcoming web series ‘Cartel’. There is been a huge humming around the corner for this web series which says “Who is the Angres’? The trailer is being released along with Pranati Rai Prakash along with other prominent actors in the show are receiving love and appreciation.
Pranati rai Prakash who will be seen playing the character of Sumi Angre along with Ritvik Dhanjani who will be seen playing the character of his reel brother.Pranati Rai Prakash shared a rollercoaster moment’s pictures on her Instagram where we can see a solo look of our Sumi Angre and in other pictures where Rithvik and Pranati have an emotional scene together and on the other hand a happy moment picture long with Tanuj Virwani and Jitendra Joshi
Pranati captioned this picture “Sumi Angre Amidst wins and defeats, an emotional ride. #Cartel Coming soon!”
Certainly Cartel is going to be a great alteration of emotions to watch and we cant wait to see such an amazing character of Sumi Angre aka Pranati Rai Prakash.
On the work front, Pranati Rai Prakash has given us some worth watching movies and web series like “Family Of Thakurganj”, “Love Aaj Kal”, “Mannphodganj Ki Binny”, and many more. Pranati Rai Prakash will be seen next in the ALTBalaji web series ‘Blackwood’. The actress has also been cast in the Netflix web film “Penthouse” directed by Abbas-Mastan in which she will be seen opposite Arjun Rampal.
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