Kantanand Productions upcoming film KHICHIK poster was released on social media. The film is produced by Anil Dhakate, written and directed by Pritam S. K. Patil, co-produced by Amitkumar Bidala.
KHICHIK is in news because of absolutely different title and one can not know more about the film. It stars Siddharth Jadhav, Prathmesh Parab, Sudesh Berry, Anil Dhakate, Shilpa Thackrey, Pola MacGilin, Sheetal Dhakane, Rasika Chavhan and Yash Khond. The music is composed by Abhishek-Dutta, lyrics by Guru Thakur and Dutta, cinematography by Yogesh Koli. Sachin Dubale Patil is executive producer.
KHICHIK will release on 20 September 2019.
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