Directorial debut of writer Prem Singh ‘Katran’ features ace artists Piyush Mishra & Alka Amin in the lead roles and is produced by Shashi Prakash Chopra & Co-produced by Dheeraj Jindal.
‘Katran’ carefully shed light on the painful examinations of broken and decaying marriage of a couple. The story is focused around depiction of a crumbling relationship of an elderly couple who decide to end their 36 years of marriage but, realize that in obscure corners of their house still resides a little tug of love that brings them together.
“When I first heard the script from Shashi ji and Prem, I loved it and Alka was already apart of the project so I knew that film will surely reach the masses. I like working with budding film makers they bring a new essence on screen,” said actor Piyush Mishra.
Talking about Katran,Shashi Prakash Chopra said, “My wish came true when Prem and me approached Piyush ji to act in Katran and he agreed to come on board. Katran is a normal story that depicts the reality happening in a human relationship. The short film is garnering lots of praises from the critics and has already participated in more than 40 film festivals winning hearts all over.
Mr Shashi Prakash Chopra is continuously supporting passionate filmmakers in their creative journey and presently working on a few more projects. He said ‘God have given me enough to have a happy life, now I am fulfilling my other passions also, acting was always my childhood dream, but it’s time to live for it.
The short film ‘Katran’ is a Sunday Films production and released by Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films. The film is now available on YouTube channel of Large Short Films.
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