If the trailer wasn’t enough, a new lyrical track from the upcoming courtroom drama just launched to add further delight. Titled Thala Kodhum in Tamil and Chirugaali in Telugu, this soothing track is composed by Sean Roldan. The Tamil version Thala Kodhum is sung by Pradeep Kumar and the lyrics are by Rajumurugan. The Telugu track titled Chirugaali is sung by Sreekanth Hariharan and the lyrics are by Narasimhan Vuruputoor.
Thala Kodhum (Tamil)-
Chirugaali (Telugu)-
Jai Bhim is directed by Tha. Se. Gnanavel and produced by Jyotika and Suriya under their production banner, 2D Entertainment. The movie also stars Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Rajisha Vijayan, Manikandan, and Lijo Mol Jose in pivotal roles. Co-produced by Rajsekar Karpoorasundarapandian, Jai Bhim has music by Sean Rolden. The team behind this film also includes DOP SR Kadhir, Editor Philominraj, and Art Director Kadhir.
Based on a real life incident held during 1993, it follows Senggeni and Rajakannu, a couple from the Irular tribe. The latter was convicted by the police due to some unfortunate events, and was later missing from the police station. Senggeni seeks the help of an advocate Chandru to seek justice for her husband.
Following an official announcement in April 2021, the film began principal photography on that month, with many sequences being shot in Chennai and Kodaikanal. Despite production being halted due to COVID-19 pandemic, filming resumed in July 2021 and ended by that September. The film features cinematography handled by S. R. Kathir and edited by Philomin Raj. The music and film score is composed by Sean Roldan.
The project was formally announced in April 2021, with Suriya himself producing the film under 2D Entertainment banner. In May 2021, Malayalam actress Rajisha Vijayan signed with music composer Sean Roldan, editor Philomin Raj, videographer S. R. Kathir, production designer Jacki and stunt co-ordinator duo Anbariv also a part of the technical crew. The title of the film Jai Bhim was announced on 23 July 2021 (Suriya’s birthday), with a first look release.
Jai Bhim will premiere on Amazon Prime Video this Diwali on November 2 in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi
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