The motion poster of the much talked about Marathi film “Kandil” has been unveiled over the social media recently. The film is getting a lot of accolades at different film festivals and has also been scheduled to be showcased during the 19th Pune International Film Festival this year. The film directed by Mahesh Kand is slated to see the light of the day very soon as theatres are thrown open for the audiences all over Maharashtra as early as possible this year.
The film has been produced under the banner of L.K. Pictures by Producers Laxman Kand, Abhijeet Kand and Mahesh Kand, who have set out to make this issue based entertainer which drives home the subject of five poor but extraordinary youngsters living in a slum, who dream of becoming rich after having been subjected to a lot of oppression as well as frustration on their path. The five youngsters form the backdrop of the recently unveiled poster of the film “Kandil”. While three youngsters are seen seated on a rock under the tree, while one is shown resting over the tree and the fifth is looking towards the skies with a ray of hope written large on his face about a bright future. When you watch the poster, you will realize that the film sets out to broach a topic of interest with which each and every viewer will be easily able to identify with, in these pressing hard times of the dreaded pandemic.
The director of the film “Kandil” Mahesh Kand has had a harrowing journey of struggle in his path to become a filmmaker, as he has not undergone any training at any film institute for direction but has made it a point to learn all about the various techniques of filmmaking just by participating in different films festivals and film club screenings. Mahesh has also assisted quite a few filmmakers in direction as the chief assistant, including Milind Ukey in the making of his ambitious film “Humne Jeena Seekh Liya”, besides learning for a lot of years under the tutelage of the renowned writer like Amarjeet Aamle. Mahesh has also done a part time diploma course at Fergusson College in Pune in Photography. What’s more, after he was handed over the script of “Kandil” before he embarked on the making of his ambitious debut making film, Mahesh spent three years in a slum to do his research. It is very pertinent to note that before he started shooting his film on camera, Mahesh had shot almost half of it on his mobile phone and only then embarked in his shooting schedule and had to undergo a lot of hassles even while he was shooting his film with his team consisting of his cast and crew diligently and complete the film. The film will be showcased at various International Film Festivals before it is released in Theaters of all over Maharashtra.
Mahesh Kand, Laxman Salunke, Vinod Khurangle, Mandar Phakatkar, Divyaraj Ovwal and Dilip Ashtekar have acted in the film “Kandil”. While Amarjeet Aamle has written the screenplay of “Kandil”, Mahesh Kand and Suhas Munde have jointly penned the lyrics for the songs in the film. Mangesh Dhakde who has won the Filmfare award this year and has composed the music for films like “Valu” and “Deool”, has composed for “Kandil”, while Nandesh Umap, J. Subodh and Chandradeep Bhaskar have crooned the songs for the film Sound Mixing has been done by Anup Dev while the National Award winning sound designer Mahaveer Sabannavar has designed the sound for the film. Prasad More has cranked the camera for the film while Vinod Khurangle handled the production work. Nilesh Rasal and Dinesh Bhalerao have edited the film.
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