Yes, the Marathi drama is back on the stage! After a poster and a video clip on social media announcing “The launching show at your favorite theatre on July 12,” went viral last week, many eyebrows were raised. There was a buzz among Marathi theatre lovers about the new announcement albeit with a slightest edge of doubts over the possibilities amid the ongoing pandemic lockdown. The announcement by the production house has answered all the questions in the minds of the fans.
Conceived and directed by well known and popular actor Hrishikesh Joshi, the first ‘Netak’ or Live Internet Natak named ‘Mogra’ is being launched on Sunday, July 12. Written by Tejas Ranade the play will be presented live through the internet and the fans can enjoy it sitting in their favourite theatre, their own living rooms! The play will also feature leading Marathi actress and household name Spruha Joshi. Marathi theatre fans are overwhelmed with one-of-its-kind concept of online play and are eagerly waiting for its first show.
The teaser of ‘Mogra’ released on Thursday has revealed all information answering all the questions in the minds of the theatre lovers. The fans were curious to know about the actors, director, writer and format in which the play was planned to be presented even as theatres and multiplexes remain to be shut.
Marathi theatre has the ages-old tradition of the stage presentation in different formats. It has always evolved with fresh vigor and strength through the times of challenges. The theatre has bounced back with new experiments and changes with the help of able shoulders of its torch bearers. Marathi theatre connoisseurs have played a major role by supporting all such experiments and standing by the critical junctures.
‘Mogra’ is another such experiment by ardent theater lovers and talented artists with the deep trust that the theater lovers will stand by it.
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