Mahesh Babu enjoys an immense fan following not only in the South Indian film industry but is also a household name nationwide. Owing to his national popularity the actor was inundated with requests from his fans in Punjab via social media requesting him to release his films dubbed in Punjabi.
The actor’s fans have also been requesting him to release all his films in the region. fans from Punjab who watch Mahesh Babu’s dubbed films in Hindi are very much in love with the way he brings puts life into characters he portrays on screen.
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Fans have now written to him requesting that his films be dubbed in Punjabi and also appealed to him to look into the fact that his films in Punjabi get more screens and shows.
The actor has already carved a niche for himself in India. His films are not only viewed in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai but also the actor has fans all the way from Punjab.
Considering the unfathomable fanbase of Mahesh Babu, Maharshi has also generated immense buzz amongst the audience across the nation.
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For his last outing Bharat Ane Nenu, Mahesh Babu not only garnered immense appreciation from critics and audience but also broke major records at the box office.
Mahesh Babu will be seen in much leaner and stronger look in Maharshi which will hit the screens in April 2019.
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