Actress and dancer Madhuri Pawar, who is popular due to her TV series ‘Devmanus’, ‘Tujyaat Jiv Rangala’ and her videos on social media, will be seen in a pivotal role in the upcoming Marathi film DISHABHUL. The Marathi film DISHABHUL is the first production of Sanvi Production House. The muhurat was held in Pune recently at the hands of Nileshji Rathod (Home Ministry, New Delhi), Rukia Kadawat (Rathod) (Builder), Dashrath Gaikwad (Extension Officer). On the occasion Director Ashish Kailas Jain, DoP Virdhawal Patil, music composers Chris Mascarenhas, Prathamesh Dhongade, Vinod Naik, Adv. Pragyawant Gaikwad, Gopal Kadawat, Yogesh Golhar etc. were present.
TV serial ‘Mrs. Mukhyamantri’ fame Amruta Dhongade and actor Tejas Barve will be seen together again in the film DISHABHUL produced by Aarti Chavan and directed by Ashish Kailas Jain. The film also stars Shashank Shende, Pranav Ravrane, Arun Kadam, Siddheshwar Jhadbuke, Ashutosh Wadekar, Shubham Mandhare and actress Priya Berde.
Director Ashish Kailas Jain said that DISHABHUL is a film of today’s youth. This is a unique story of college kids and it will have a triple blast of friendship, romance and suspense thriller.
Speaking about the film, producer Aarti Chavan said, “DISHABHUL is the first film of Sanvi Production House. We have taken veteran artists along while giving opportunities to young artists. We are happy to start the new year with a Marathi movie. We are doing a different experiment by bringing together famous Marathi artists including Amrita and Tejas. We believe that the audience will like the different experiment we are doing from the film.”
Speaking about her role, Madhuri Pawar said, “DISHABHUL is a film with a different story. My character is very different from the roles I have played so far. The shooting of the film has started and I am enjoying working with the new team.”
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