Bollywood veteran superstar Jeetendra Kapoor will soon be seen in ALTBalaji’s masaledar entertainer Apharan 2. Well, that’s what it seems after taking a look at TV Czarina Ekta Kapoor’s latest Instagram post. Ekta Kapoor recently posted a picture of her Superstar Dad Jeetendra Kapoor. In the picture, we see the Himmatwala actor all dressed in a character with a smile that still holds the magic. Now, what prompted us that he might be seen in ALTBalaji’s Apaharan 2? Well, it was Ekta Kapoor’s caption. While posting the picture, Kapoor wrote, “tansworld ne kiya inka ‘APHARAN’! Coming soon”
For the unversed producer Tanveer Bookwala, happens to be producing the second season of the extremely popular 2018 series Apharan which had created a lot of stir amongst the fans!
Interestingly just like us, several popular faces also jumped looking at the post and the possibility of the veteran actor making a comeback. Siddhant Kapoor commented, “Wow ! Would be amazing to see him on screen again.” Rohit Roy also hailed the actor and left a comment which read, “Legend”. Paridhi Sharma who was seen in Ekta Kapoor’s Jodha Akbar, commented, “Wah wah”.
For the unversed, Apharan was released in 2018 and turned out to become quite a success for streaming giant ALTBalaji. The series starred Arunoday Singh as Rudra Srivastava in the central role along with Mahie Gill, Monica Chaudhary, Nidhi Singh and Varun Badola in pivotal parts. The series primarily revolved around kidnapping and had a lot of jaw-dropping suspense and mystery. The second season of the show is currently underway and is expected to release in the last quarter of 2021 with Arunoday Singh, Snehil Dixit Mehra, Nidhi Singh in primary roles.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates about the second season of ALTBalaji’s Apaharan.
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