Gold Awards honour the best performers of Indian television every year. Actor Kunal Jaisingh won the Award for the Most Stylish Actor (OTT). Kunal Jaisingh who is best known for playing Omkara Singh Oberoi in ‘Ishqbaaaz’ ‘Dil Bole Oberoi’ and in Voot’s Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka looked dapper in a custom made 3 piece Brocade patterned Tuxedo with matte gold buttons and an embroidered black and gold pocket square by designer label Anj. His wife Bharati, looked stunning in a Black pleated gown with an embroidered waist belt by the same designer.
The couple was styled by Stylist Neema Lulla, outfit designed by Anj and the hair and makeup was done by Bandra’s luxury salon A’Kreations Hair & Beyond.
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