Generally we see always father produces film to launch his son or daughter in the industry. But this case of father-son duo is different. Sachin Dhakate has produced film for his father Anil Dhakate who will be seen in a different role in upcoming film KHICHIK.
Sachin Dhakate of Kantanand Productions has produced this film. Parag Jambhule and Amitkumar Bidla are co-producers, written and directed by Pritam SK Patil.
Electrical Engineers Anil Dhakate has worked as higher post in government service. He does not have any film background but it was only love and fascination for big screen. His son Sachin decided to fulfil father’s wish. In the film Anil Dhakate has played ilitterate grand father.
KHICHIK also stars Siddharth Jadhav, Sudesh Berry and Prathmesh Parab.
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