Bollywood actor Karan Aanand was last seen in a short film named ‘Aaina’ during the lockdown. The movie got a great response from the audience. The actor is on a spree of sharing behind-the-scene (BTS) pictures and videos from the sets of his films. Recently, he shared a BTS picture from the sets of his upcoming film ‘It’s Over’. In the picture, Karan Aanand is seen with his beautiful actress Swapna Pati.
Movie’s story is based on lockdown, where there is a situation when an aspiring director and struggling actress got stuck on a resort of Lonavala. Karan Aanand is playing the lead role as director and Swapna Pati is playing the role of a struggling actress. The film is directed and produced by Rajesh Kumar Mohanty. Today, he took to Instagram to share BTS picture while he was shooting scenes for the film.
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