Pooja Entertainment’s much talked about production ‘Ganapath’ has been in the news for its intriguing theme, dazzling starcast and big budget. Team Ganapath has been sharing fun snapshots of the shoot on their social media. Jackky Bhagnani and Tiger Shroff also took to their handles to share some ‘chill’ vibes as it snows in London while addressing each other with quirky nicknames. Tiger leaned on his ‘Bossman’ aka ‘Producer Saab Jackky while Jackky calls Tiger his ‘Hero No. 1.’ All gear up to shoot in this Subzero Temperatures, It is hard to tell whether Tiger’s abs did their bit to warm the sub-zero temperatures but our hearts sure melted to see the bond between the two!
Check out the posts here..
Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CW21QT4vRvJ/?utm_medium=share_sheet
Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CW21Pp_sd5b/?utm_medium=copy_link
When Pooja Entertainment announced the launch of a mega-budget, futuristic, action thriller ‘Ganapath’, ripples of excitement and anticipation were unleashed in the trade circles because the Vikas Bahl directorial is supposed to be the most lavishly produced and genre-defining film starring Tiger Shroff. Right from its poster launch to the announcement of the leading lady Kriti Sanon, the film stuck to a stylish template that gave audiences a taste of the thrills to come. Pooja Entertainment and Good co. have now raised this excitement to fever pitch.
Pooja Entertainment and Good Co’s mega-budget, futuristic, action thriller, GANAPATH’s UK schedule went on floor from 6 November 2021. Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon are currently shooting for dystopian thriller in the UK. Tiger’s punchline, “Apun ko janta ne aur God ne bola aane ko, to apun aa re la hai”, seems like one hell of a commitment. The kind we would look forward to see in action.
Vashu Bhagnani and Pooja Entertainment present Ganapath in association with Good Co. Directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Vikas Bahl, Deepshikha Deshmukh, Jackky Bhagnani. The film is set to release on 23rd Dec 2022.
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