Meerut boy Amit Pundir is excited these days as his second film is releasing on 10th August. After coming to Mumbai ‘Mr. Dehradun 2005’ also earned fame as model and walked the ramp for many fashion designers. The handsome actor talks to Glamgold about his journey, break and the upcoming film.
— Vipul K. Shah
GG) Was becoming an actor your dream?
AP) No, this was not my dream. After I participated in Mr. Dehradun pageant, my interest towards glamour world rised.
GG) How did your journey start?
AP) Well, one of my friends told me to participate in Mr. Dehradun pageant in 2005. I participated and won the title. Gradually my interest towards glamour world increased and I decided to pursue a career as an actor. So I came to B-town in 2007 and the journey began.
GG) How did you get first break?
AP) I got my first break in the film Makad Jaala which was a Political Trap. I was lucky to debut as lead. I got the film by audition. Even today I remember my director Dinesh Kumar Sahu did a lot of hard work on me to play that character.
GG) How did you get Unmad?
AP) The director of Unmad, Shahid Kabeer, is a theater Guru. I have worked a lot with him. He has written many stories and one of them is Unmad. He narrated the story and asked me to play negative role. I read the story and quickly said yes. I have full trust on Shahidji as whatever he had thought for me must be right.
GG) Tell us about your character.
AP) I play a politician Shankar. He is very selfish and always thinks about his own benefits with dirty politics.
GG) How easy or tough was playing a negative role?
AP) After playing a lead in debut film, it was a little difficult to play a negative role. See when you play a negative role, you have to work much harder. It is not easy to play a negative role. You have to take lots of efforts. I gained 11 kg weight, had to change my hair style. The language, mannerism of a villain is different from the hero. So I studied and observed few characters to get into the skin of my character.
GG) How was your experience doing a film on socio political issue?
AP) Well it was a nice experience. Secondly it was a different experience playing a negative role. I hope audience like my work.
GG) What next?
AP) My next film ‘Paranormal Ishq’ will release soon. Till that, I have my fingers crossed.
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