Star Bharat’s eminent show Ek Thi Rani Ek Tha Raavan has been the source of many dramatic twists and turns for its viewers. The latest twist is that there is going to be an entry of a new Rani on the show. This new Rani will better embody the vision of the creators of the show and will be portrayed by noted actor Srishti Jain.
Acting was always her number one passion and she wanted to pursue it since she was a little girl. She says, “I have always wanted to be in front of the camera, my family was a little skeptical initially but when they saw my passion towards acting they gave me their full support.
Later in my life theater really boosted my confidence as an actor. Theater gave my acting depth, I believe theater is the foundation of acting. I Learnt most of what I know from my experience here in the TV industry but, Theater also had an important role to play in my career. Now after finally proving my mettle my family is really proud of me.
Srishti Jain seems to be one to look out for in the coming years. If her performance as Rani wows audiences and critics alike is yet to be seen.
Watch Ek Thi Rani Ek Tha Raavan Monday to Saturday 8pm only on Star Bharat
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