Trailer and music of the soon to be released film ‘Girlfriend’ was launched in the presence of the lead pair Ameya Wagh and Saie Tamhankar. The cast and crew, director Upendra Sidhaye and producers Anish Joag and Ranjit Gugle were present on the occasion.
The sneak previews of the film so far have created a lot of curiosity, especially with the fresh pairing of Ameya Wagh and Sai Tamhankar.
The trailer shows Nachiket aka Ameya Wagh being cornered by everyone around him – his mother, his boss and his friends, for not having a girlfriend. Exasperated with this repeated questioning and taunts, Nachiket manages to get the beautiful Alisha, played by Sai Tamhankar as his girlfriend. How did the diffident and introvert Nachiket manage to pull this off, has to be seen on the screen.
Girlfriend is being produced by Huge Productions and Pratisaad Productions. Music by the trio of Hrishikesh-Saurabh-Jasraj is already creating waves. Lyrics written by Kshitij Patwardhan are sung by Shamali Kholgade, Shruti Athavale and Jasraj Joshi. The song ‘Nachya Got A Girlfriend’ has been well received on social media and Digital Platforms. The peppy songs in the ‘Western Musical’ mould are an intrinsic part of the story. The on-screen chemistry of Ameya Wagh and Sai Tamhankar brings alive the song ‘Love Story’.
The lead pair is supported by a strong supporting cast of Kavita Lad, Yatin Karyekar, Sagar Deshmukh, Isha Keskar, Tejas Barve, Suyog Gorhe, Uday Nene and Rasika Sunil.
‘Girlfriend’ releases all over Maharashtra on 26th July.
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