After weeks of anticipation, Disney+ Hotstar last week released the trailer of the much-awaited Bollywood movie Khuda Haafiz. A romantic action thriller inspired by real life-events has been directed and written by Faruk Kabir and stars Vidyut Jammwal and Shivaleeka Oberoi in the lead roles. After receiving widespread acclaim for the trailer, the makers have today released the first song from the movie. Titled ‘Jaan Ban Gaye’, the melody perfectly sets the mood of the film and beautifully portrays the journey of falling in love.
With music composed, arranged & created by Mithoon; the number has been sung by Mithoon, Vishal Mishra & Asees Kaur. With sweet melodies and heart touching lyrics, the song is sure to bring out a plethora of emotions. To mark the launch of this song, Vidyut Jammwal, Faruk Kabir and Mithoon got together for an unplugged jam; where they discussed some interesting trivia about the movie!
Actor Vidyut Jammwal who will be seen in a romantic avatar says, “I have always admired Mithoon and his creations. It is an outstanding composition and I am excited to share it with the audience.”
Director Faruk Kabir adds, “For me the music of Khuda Haafiz is what breath is to the soul.”
Ask him about the treatment given to the music in the film, and he shares “Each song and poetry is fiercely original & partu of my character’s rawest emotions intricately woven into the story while I was writing it and not an after thought or conventional compulsion. It’s a choice.”
The creator of award-winning tracks, Mithoon shares, “Jaan Ban Gaye is a song when life starts to become a celebration because of the arrival of the most special person in your life. These relations are what make life so beautiful; it adds a whole lot of colour in your life. And based on what director Faruk Kabir briefed me, I wrote the song myself and that’s kept the zest in the arrangements. Vishal Mishra came up with a very interesting tone to the song and Asees Kaur brought the therao and the dignity of a beautiful female vocalist.”
Singer Asees Kaur adds, “There is a sense of serenity in all of Mithoon sir’s compositions which inspires me to look forward and hear out new things whenever I interact with him. “Jaan ban gaye” I feel he gave perfect treatment to this song, you can sense love in its purest form. I am sure it will make you fall in love all over again.”
Khuda Haafiz is the third movie slated to release under Disney+ Hotstar Multiplex. The movie features Vidyut Jammwal, Shivaleeka Oberoi, Annu Kapoor, Aahana Kumra, and Shiv Panditt. It is written & directed by Faruk Kabir and produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak (Panorama Studios International) and Music by Mithoon on Zee Music. Khuda Haafiz is set to release on 14th August 2020 only on Disney+ Hotstar VIP
Jaan Ban Gaye Out Now!
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