In his debut film ‘Atpadi Nights’, director Nitin Sindhuvijay Supekar has created a unique place in the minds of all Marathi film lovers. His directorial film ‘Jangadgutta’, a sensitive subject with a touch of comedy, touched the hearts of Marathi audience. Director Nitin Sindhuvijay Supekar is now bringing a story with a difference in his second film. His upcoming film is titled ‘Sarla Ek Koti’ and it is a multi-starrer big budget Marathi film. The film is produced by Sanvi Production House.
Director Nitin Sindhuvijay Supekar’s film ‘Atpadi Nights’ stared Pranav Raorane and Sayali Sanjeev in lead, has been honored with six ‘Zee Chitra Gaurav’ awards. Director Nitin Sindhuvijay Supekar has been nominated for the first ever Debut Award in the ‘Rajya Marathi Chitrapat Puraskar’ nominations recently announced by the state government. He has been associated as a writer previously with films like ‘Bahiru Pehlwan Ki Jai Ho’ (2010), ‘Well Done Bhalya’ (2016) and ‘Bhay’ (2018).
Speaking on ‘Sarla Ek Koti’, director Nitin Sindhuvijay Supekar said, “My first film as a director, ‘Atpadi Nights’ was well received by the audience in Maharashtra. The film also received many awards. This made me feel more responsible for bringing my next project. I believe that the expectations of the Marathi audience and critics will be fulfilled through ‘Sarla Ek Koti’. The story of the film and cast you have to wait a few more days to find out.”
The producer of the film Aarti Chavan said, “We are happy to bring this second film of Sanvi Production House. We have just started shooting for ‘Sarla Ek Koti’. Our first production, Dishabhul, featuring young and veteran actors will release soon. There are well known Marathi actors in ‘Sarla Ek Koti’ too. We believe that both our films will leave an impression on the minds of the audience.”
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