Karunavi Creators production, directed by Nitin Rokade TALEEM 2 teaser poster was released on social media. In ‘Taleem’ Nitin showed Kushti on silver screen while the next TALEEM 2 is about competition for gold medal winning for country.
The story is written by Nitin Rokade who also wrote screenplay along with Sandip Kumar Roy and Madhulita Das, dialogues by Jay Atre and Dr. Arun Mirajkar, cinematography by Farooque Khan, music by Praful-Swapnil, sound design by B. R. Naveen Kumar, choreography by Ranju Varghese, art direction by Sudhir Tarkar. Sadashiv Chavhan is production controller and Pratik Bagde is assistant director.
TALEEM 2 stars Abhieet Shwetchandra, Deeksha S., Prashant Mohite, Arjun Kusumbe, Mahesh Patil and Vishnu Joshilkar.