HAWAHAWAI produced by Mahesh Tilekar of Marathi Taraka Productions and Vijay Shinde of Ninetynine Productions will release on 7 October 2022. The motion poster of the film was unveiled through social media recently. The motion poster shows a couple standing in the kitchen with tiffin in their hands.
Mahesh Tilekar has written, directed and edited the film. He has films like One Room Kitchen, Ghar Grihasti, Gaon Tasa Changala to his credit.
Hindi actors like Akshay Kumar, Jayaprada, Helen made their debut in Marathi cinema through Mahesh Tilekar’s earlier films. Apart from that, Senthil Kumar, the cameraman of “Baahubali” was given his first opportunity in Marathi film industry by Mahesh Tillekar through his film “Aadhar”.
Now the much talked about Malayalam film ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’ fame Malayali actress Nimisha Sajayan‘s name is also added to it. She is making her Marathi film debut with this film. Nimisha Sajayan’s performance in “The Great Indian Kitchen” was liked by Mahesh Tilekar and he asked her if she is ready to work in Marathi films and Nimisha said yes. While southern film’s remakes are made in other languages, Mahesh Tillekar has started a new trend of bringing the best actors from the South in Marathi films through Hawahawai.
Vijay Andalkar is playing lead opposite Nimisha. The actor has done films like 702 Dixit’s, Mr. and Mrs. Sadachari, Shimmgga, Ghantaa along with TV mini series Anuradha. He became house hold name with Zee Marathi show ‘Lagnachi Wife Wdding Chi Bayko’. He made his Bollywood debut with Bajirao Mastani directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Veteran singer Asha Bhosle has sung a song “Udtya Chaliche” in this film. The music is composed by Pankaj Padghan.
The rest cast names are still under the wrap. Marathi Taraka Productions and Ninetynine Productions presentation HAWAHAWAI will hit the screens on 7 October 2022.
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