Lions Gate’s next, Kin directed by the Baker Brothers, Jonathan and Josh is a pulse-pounding crime thriller with a sci-fi twist. Kin, the story of a young boy with an eerie weapon on a chase by a vengeful criminal is set to take the audience on a journey that they might have never experienced before.
According to the production team, Kin will leave audiences with the feeling that they’ve seen more than just a thrill ride. Commenting on the same, Josh Baker said, “You’re getting multiple flavors in one dish. There’s a suspenseful crime element, there’s family drama, you’re going to get visual sci-fi, and big stuff mixed with an indie sensibility. We think all of those things combined is what makes ‘Kin’ unique.”
Adding further, Jonathan said, “At its heart, ‘Kin’ is a wish-fulfillment movie. It’s about a young character who finds something otherworldly beyond his wildest imagination, his wildest dreams. But then has to decide how he’s going to use it, and whether his actions are at heart good or something more sinister.”
Kin is here to stimulate your mind in an intellectual way with both its blockbuster elements and the aspect of family that lies at the heart of the film. With an exciting and fresh science fiction story, the makers of Kin will surely take you on a fun trip.
Keep up the wait and watch Kin in theatres near you soon!
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