Actress Dipti Dhotre visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar recently to seek blessings before the release of her film Bhirkit. Dipti took to her social media and shared pictures from her recent gateway. The actress dropped an adorable picture where she is seen seeking the blessings of Waheguru ji at Golden Temple. The picture is definitely soothing our eyes.
On sharing her emotions, Dipti Said, “I’m a very spiritual person and for me, any time before my any release, it is a must for me to visit the temple and take the blessings of God. And this time, by God’s grace, I’m this time in Punjab at the Golden Temple taking the blessings of Waheguruji, hoping for the success of my upcoming film Bhirkit. Visiting the Golden Temple made me feel alive. I’m not sure how to express my feelings since they are beyond words. My eyes wanted to take in the image and remember it for a long time. A temple is a once-in-a-lifetime event that fills us with happiness and wonderful feelings. I feel reconnected to my spirit. The chant “Waheguru” reached the pinnacle of celestial feeling in the air. I just had the best moment of my life by being there. Bhirkit is very close to my heart as it is one of the most challenging roles that I have ever played and I hope the audience will love me and appreciate my character as they will see me in a completely new form.
On the work front, Dipti Dhotre has garnered rave reviews for her original patterns, including Vijeta, and many more. Her upcoming films include Bhirkit and Vishay Close. In addition, the actress is all set to rule the Bollywood industry which will be released on Amazon Prime. We will soon see the actress in a very different role in the Jio Studio series Inspector Avinash along with Urvashi Rautela and Randeep Hooda. The actress has a few more releases in the coming months.
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