Actress Dipika Chikhalia, who played the role of Sita in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan in 1986 is all set to make a comeback. The actress will now be seen in a Gujarati Movie ‘Natsamrat’. The movie is Gujarati theatrical adaptation of the blockbuster and critically acclaimed Marathi movie by the same name. Nana Patekar’s role of Natsamrat is played by Gujarati Actor Siddharth Randeria, popularly known as GUJJU BHAI.
The Movie is Directed by Jayant Gilatar whose last directorial “Chalk N Duster” was one of most critically appreciated of the year, starring Juhi Chawla, Shabana Azmi, Richa Chadda and may more popular actors of Bollywood.
Post Ramayan, Dipika was seen in popular shows like Sword of Tipu Sultan and Vikram aur Betaal. Dipika took a sabbatical after she got married to Gujarati businessman Hemant Topiwala, who is the owner of a cosmetic company. After quitting the entertainment industry, Dipika helped her husband in his business. The actress has two beautiful daugters – Nidhi and Juhi.
According to the source, Dipika didn’t know about Jayant Gilatar, when she was approached for the film, she first watched Jayant Gilatar’s last directorial ‘Chalk N Duster’, after watching the film she was convinced with the directors vision as she loved the his previous film. She than also watched Marathi Natsamrat and agreed to act in Gujrati adaptation of the film.
She loved the Marathi film Natasmarat and loved Nana Patekar’s performance in the film. Not only that each and every character in the film is is equally important and makes it a phenominal movie to watch out for. She is very excited for the release of the film and assures that audience will love it too.
The movie releases on 30th August 2018.
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