‘Geisha’ is an upcoming web series which will exclusively release on the OTT platform Digiflix TV. Geisha has an amazingly popular cast of Aman Verma, Malvi Malhotra, Tarun Khanna and Vikram Dwivedi. The web series is directed by Raj Verma and is produced by Hameer Joshi & Kunal Lakhe.
Speaking about the web series director Raj Verma says, “Geisha is a Japanese word for escort, which is what the story will revolve around and is major part of the plot. When I was writing this story and I approached CEO Nishant Awasthi Ji & COO Vishal Roy ji they really liked the concept of this film and felt this is the story that needs to be released. We had a lot of workshops for all the characters and really have put in a lot of effort.”
“I congratulate Digiflix TV for making such strong stories that are not there on any platform. They are really fresh and amazing. With such rich content I feel Digiflix TV will be No.1 OTT platform soon,” added actor Tarun Khanna.
Actor Aman Verma also mentions, “I have already done 2-3 web series but have never seen such different content. I accepted this role as I wanted to do something new and different. The web series is more based on reality and real things, nothing over fantasized so I think people will really love and relate to it. They needed a simple and dashing person, so everyone felt I’ll be perfectly dashing for this role.” Hearing this entire team, including the actor started laughing and enjoying with each other.
Geisha is a murder mystery surrounding struggle of an actress love who does not achieve great success in the Bollywood and turns an escort Later she falls in love with a business man but gets murdered through various twist and turns in the story.
Digiflix TV is a soon to be launched only Indian app which has to offer both a video streaming platform as well as OTT platform under the ownership of Nishant Awasthi and COO Vishal Roy. To know more about the updates and announcements of this amazing OTT platform and ‘Geisha’, Stay Tuned!!
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