The Mahurat ceremony of Marathi film “Dhondi Champya Ek Prem Katha” took place by seeking blessing at Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi. In the presence of Media the entire cast and crew announced the shoot to commence soon and plan to release in Diwali this year.
The movie is written and to be directed by Dnyanesh Shashikant Bhalekar and presented by Sunil Jain in association with Ramesh B. Agarwal, Cult Entertainment, 5th Dimension and Rajtaru Studioz. The film will be produced by Aditya Joshi, Alok Arbind Thakur, Aditya Shastri, Venessa Roy.
The film stars Bharat Jadhav, Vaibhav Mangle, Nikhil Chavan, Sayli Patil, Shalaka Pawar, Sneha Raikar. Music will be composed by Saurabh – Durgesh, lyrics by Guru Thakur and Mandar Cholkar, DOP Rajesh Nadone and Raju Sapte will be the Art Director.
The story line of the film based on Umaji and Ankush, farmers from same village but don’t see eye to eye since ages because of a family feud and moreover, they hate each other. Umaji`s Son Aaditya and Ankush`s Daughter Ovi fall in love with each other. This leads to a series of funny and dramatic situations. But the most hilarious situation is yet to come.
In spite of strong reservations from Umaji, his buffalo, Champya is impregnated by mistake by Ankush`s Bull, Dhondi. This leads to a funny, hilarious, and at times tense situation. And hence begins the hilarious drama.
The fight between two Rigid Fathers and Love Cupids inputs comedy and drama. The young couple tries to mate the buffaloes to get their respective fathers to agree to their marriage.
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