Delnaaz Irani will soon be seen in a pivotal role in Star Plus’ new show Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey. With the show, she is once again working with Cockcrow and Shaika Entertainment, after her small stint in Chhoti Sarrdaarni. She credits them for helping her break her image by offering her a non-comical role in the latest project.
“Chhoti was an out and out negative. She was out to take revenge for her husband. In Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey my character is a very strong-headed woman. It’s a feel-good show and it’s not going to be the regular comic stuff, but is going to be a lighter vein. My role is very strong and I appreciate the fact that these producers have given me different dimensions and they have put me out of the comic zone,” she said.
Sharing more about her role, Delnaaz Irani said, “My character is the loving sister of the house, who is unmarried and is absolutely pampered and loved by her brothers. She is a bit dominating, but she loves the children because she is unmarried and does not have her own kids. She is also a teacher and a bit of a disciplinarian and she wants everything with perfection.”
Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey is a remake of a very popular show called Khorkuto, which is in Bengali, and there is another show which has already been made in Marathi. “Both the shows are doing very well and what I liked about the whole thing’s first, I have already worked with the production house. Secondly, I wanted to do TV. After a long time I am coming back to TV. Also, I wanted to do a good show which was not only comedy,” she said.
The actress is the comedy queen of the entertainment industry and excels in the genre, but the actor in her always wanted to try different things.
“People expect me to do comedy again and again which is lovely and I feel very proud of the fact that there are very few actors who can do comedy, especially women. Doing stand-up is very different, but playing a comic character is extremely difficult. I feel blessed when I have a certain image that people think of me and get a smile on their faces. But right now I am at a stage where I want to happily work and keep working. My desire as an actor was to do something different. I am very glad that the production house, the producers, and the creatives of the show actually got me two very stark different roles. I feel that when you are trying out something different, you have to take risks in life, otherwise what’s the point,” Delnaaz Irani concluded.
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