Keeping the “parampara” (tradition) like every year, casting director Sunil Shakya celebrated his birthday with celebrities from Bollywood and Tellywood along with friends on 8th August. Tellywood candy eye Pearl Puri, Aniruddha Dave and many more were present on the occasion. The bash was held at The White Room at Andheri, Mumbai.
After the cake cutting, the dance floor was open and celebs showed their best moves on the latest numbers. Drinks and mouth watering snacks were flowing. The party went on till the wee hours.
Pearl Puri, Aniruddh Dave, Gaurav Sharma, Gaurav Bajpai, Rajneet Kaur, Taran Bajaj, Jayant Gadekar, Neeraj Sood, Subrat Dutta, Sushil Bonthiyal, Rakesh Pandey, Harish Hariaidh, Rupesh Sonar, Jyotsana Indore, Sonali Singh, Vikram Kochar, Anil Mange and many more celebs graced the birthday party.
Directors like Anupam Santosh Saroj, Vishal Dave, Suraj Tiwari, Jitendra Rai, Ajit Sinha and Ragini Gunjan also came to wish the birthday boy.
The other guests present were lyricist Shaqeel Azmi, Rupendra Singh Rana, singer Pankaj Mudgal, casting director Harry Varma, Vipin Gautam, Anoop Gautam, Sanjay Sonu, Rakesh Yadav and Angad Singh Rajput.
Sunil Shakya is a popular casting director in industry. He has done casting for serials like SAB TV’s ‘Yaaron Ka Tashan’, Star Plus’ show ‘Silsila Pyar Ka’ and others. Currently working with Vikram Bhatt for his company Loneranger Production Pvt Ltd. Sunil did casting for webseries like Untouchable, Maaya-2, Tantra, Twistted -2, Zindabad, Zakhmi and still going on.
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