Actor and content creator Bhuvan Bam recently appeared on a special episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC), marking a significant milestone in his career. This was his first time facing the legendary Amitabh Bachchan in the iconic quiz show’s hot seat. His participation carried a deeper purpose, as he aimed to raise funds for two charitable organizations—Vikas Vishranti and Akanksha Foundation—making the occasion even more meaningful.
Bhuvan Bam, widely recognized for his YouTube channel BB Ki Vines, has established himself as one of India’s most popular digital creators. Over the years, KBC has been a show he has admired, given its legacy as India’s most celebrated quiz program for the past 25 years. Recently, he experienced a special moment when a question about BB Ki Vines was asked to a contestant on the show. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhuvan took to social media to share the clip, reflecting on his journey from making digital sketches to becoming a recognized name in the entertainment industry.
Speaking about his KBC experience, Bhuvan Bam expressed his excitement and gratitude. “Sitting on the hot seat in front of Mr. Bachchan is nothing short of surreal. KBC has been a crucial part of our television culture, and to see BB Ki Vines being acknowledged on such a legendary platform is an honor beyond words. It’s a moment of immense pride and gratitude,” he shared.
Bhuvan Bam journey from a digital creator to a mainstream entertainer has been remarkable. From comedic sketches on YouTube to acting, producing, and now appearing on one of India’s biggest television stages, he continues to break new ground. His presence on KBC not only marks another achievement in his career but also reflects the growing influence of digital creators in mainstream media.
This special episode of KBC stands as yet another testament to Bhuvan Bam hard work, talent, and the impact of his content. From entertaining millions online to sitting across from Amitabh Bachchan, his journey is an inspiration to aspiring creators everywhere.