The Marathi film ‘Bharat Mazha Desh Aahe’ will be screened at the world famous Marche Du Film Festival De Cannes. Directed by Pandurang Krishna Jadhav, the film will premiere on July 8 at the festival.
Dr. Ashish Agarwal has produced the film Bharat Mazha Desh Aahe while ABC Creations is the presenter of the film. The film has a great star cast like Shashank Shende, Mangesh Desai, Chhaya Kadam, Hemangi Kavi, Rajarvisinharaje Gaikwad, Devanshi Samant, Namrata Salokhe.
The film tells the heartbreaking story of a village with a military tradition. Pandurang Krishna Jadhav has made his mark in films so far. The films “Manatalya Unhat” and “Dry Day” directed by him have received national and international acclaim. Therefore, this experienced director has now laid out a very gentle and emotional story in the film Bharat Mazha Desh Aahe.
Director Pandurang Jadhav said that so far the film has been selected in various festivals. Now the prestige of the film has been tarnished by the prestigious Marche Du Film Festival De Cannes.
Nishant Dhapse is the screenwriter, Nagraj Diwakar is the cinematographer, Nilesh Gawand is the compiler, Sameer Samant is the lyricist, Ashwin Srinivasan is the music director, Gangadhar Singare is the art director, while Babasaheb Patil and Vishal Chavan are the executive producers.
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