Siddhi Sharma plays the role of Rachana Thakur in India’s First Rural Entertainment Channel, Azaad new show, Pavitraa Bharose ka Safar. Produced by Santosh and Rochelle Singh of Paarth Production and creative producer, Pearl Grey, this drama series is the talk of the town for its storyline and strong characters. Siddhi Sharma plays the daughter of a rich family who is confident and bold. She believes that all her needs and wants will be fulfilled and nothing matters to her expect her brother Arya Thakur. Siddhi Sharma is born and bought up in Mumbai & has won the IPTA (INDIAN PUBLIC THEATRE ASSOCIATION), has performed in theatre and MIFF (MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL). Her best work includes Santoshi Maa 2, Radha Krishna, Anupama, Ads for skincare brand, YouTube series and also has done episodic in crime shows. Here, Siddhi talks about her new show and more.
What made you accept Azaad’s new show Pavitraa?
I signed this show Pavitraa Bharose Ka Safar because I really liked the concept of women empowerment, where we can see the strong character Pavitraa and be inspired by it. And, of course, I love my character Rachana Thakur in this show.
Tell us about your role in the show?
My character is bold and strong and the most important thing is she loves her brother a lot and supports him. Otherwise, she doesn’t care much about others and chooses to live her life in her own way.
Azaad is for the rural audiences? What is in the story that makes it different between regular shows?
Uniqueness about this show and Azaad is that it is made especially for the rural population and it’s the first channel in India to do so.
How did you prepare for the show?
To prepare yourself for a character is a very exciting process for me and this character of Rachana Thakur is one that I like. Also, with my co- stars who are the amazing Thakur Family, I learn a lot from seeing them too.
How is it shooting in the middle of the ongoing pandemic?
Shooting in the middle of this pandemic is hectic and worrisome because of the strict rules but at the same time, I enjoy working in this period because it’s made us more health and hygiene conscious as we follow the protocols. And to be very honest I’m glad that I’m back on shoot!
Tell us about your early years and how you became an actor?
My journey started with my mother’s dream. She always wanted me to see on screen and so I worked on it to make it a reality. Then I started giving auditions and then I’m lucky to have my family here with me who kept encouraging me and didn’t allow me to give up. I did theatre, won IPTA and then I got my first break from Santoshi Maa 2.
Why is working on TV appealing to you?
As I said it all started with my mother’s dream to see me on screen and so I worked on it. And when I saw myself first time on screen, I felt like I’m living a different character which made a mark on my mind. I started enjoying every character because that’s how I’ll showcase my talent on screen. And to stay in limelight, being active and hardworking that’s enough to make your family proud.
What’s your favorite hobby?
I got many hobbies! But I like dancing, acting, fashion designing, heena art and to watch thriller movies.
Which is the place you would like to holiday in?
First, I want you all to know that I’m a Krishna Bhakt and in India every Krishna Dham is my favorite holiday place and beside this, its Kashmir. If we talk about places abroad- Canada and Paris.
What is important to you?
The most important thing to me is my family’s happiness and Lord Krishna. If I have these two with me then everything is fine!
Being Azaad means what for you?
Azaad word itself describes freedom which is very important for everyone in their life and Azaad for me means that you are free to run, grow and work!
Watch Pavitra Bharose Ka Safar at 9:30 PM, every Monday to Saturday, on Azaad. The channel is available on Tata Sky 183, DD FreeDish Channel no 36 and free on MX Player.
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