Arvind Kumar of Angel Production from United Kingdom who has financed for many films join hands with Harshvardhan Sanwal of UK Talkies to start two Hindi films – Evil I and Ginti Shuru.
Vivek Singh, Manisha Singh and Ruhan Rajput will debut with Ginti Shuru . Vivek Singh also celebrated his birthday. Deepshikha Nagpal, Sheeba, Vindu Dara Singh, Nasir Khan, Rajesh Puri, Jubin Nautiyal came to wish them all the best for their new venture.
Payal Goga Kapoor anchored the event. Harshvardhan Sanwal told the media that Ginti Shuru will be shot in Lucknow and Uttarakhand. Vinay Kumar Ruhela,BJP State Vice President Uttarakhand wished all the best to the cast of the film.