The charming actor, Arslan Goni, has recently uploaded a photo in which he is seen playing with his dog, Liam. Arslan Goni has won the heart of the audience and grabbed massive attention after playing the character “Lala” in “Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu”. Arslan Goni made his big-screen debut in Bollywood in 2017 with the film “Jia Aur Jia” alongside Kalki Koechlin and Richa Chadha after which he has now debuted in the world of OTT platforms.
Arslan Goni is currently in his hometown in Jammu and Kashmir with his parents and siblings. The actor was also seen taking his first jab of the covid-19 vaccination along with his sister. Arslan Goni has recently uploaded a photo with his dog Liam, who looks absolutely majestic. The actor’s dog Liam is a special breed dog called “Saint Bernard”. Arslan Goni seems to be having a great time playing and spending some quality time with his furry buddy during the pandemic. In the video, the actor has let go of his dog’s leash and still, he won’t leave him. This clearly shows the bonding between Arslan Goni and his dog.
On the work front, Arslan Goni is a content-driven actor. His choices in the roles he picks make him a versatile artist, Arslan Goni will soon make the announcement of his upcoming projects.
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