Superstar Amitabh Bachchan unveiled the third edition of Mumbai Police calendar, shot by ace photographer Pravin Talan, at the glittering star-studded event Umang along with Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Mr. Dattatray Padsalgikar and other senior officials of the police force.
Mr. Bachchan has always shared a close bond with the city police and was all praises for the families of the policemen who sacrifice their personal time so that police can serve the city. The efforts of the policemen have been well documented in the calendar.
This time the much-awaited calendar by Pravin Talan has more realistic photographs taken through out the year, covering the herculean tasks of Mumbai Police across various seasons and festivals, making it one of the most enriched and liveliest calendars yet.
Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Mr. Dattatray Padsalgikar said, “ For Mumbai Police, 2017 has been 365 days of celebrating an undying bond with the citizens and rediscovering its power in helping us overcome any crisis.” He thanked each and every Mumbaikar for the constant faith, support and encouragement.
Pravin Talan ‘s work has always been regarded as original, soulful and creative. Talking about the calendar he says,” capturing the spirit of Mumbai in the shadows of police was a roller coaster ride in spite of all the jostling at mass gatherings or getting all drenched in pouring rains.”
The Mumbai Police calendar has come to be regarded as one of the finest visual statements on Mumbai city and its police force. From crowd management in massive rallies like Maratha Kranti Morcha to management of religious festivals like Ganpati and Eid, it not only showcases the multi cultural and religious flavor of the city but the humongous task of maintaining law and order at such times.
The fish eye view of the police man on patrol boat taking up the security challenges on the daunting sea or traffic cop braving pouring rains are amongst some of the more unforgettable shots. The calendar as usual has it’s signature shots of warmth and human connect where a policeman on the beach smiles at children making sand houses, or a senior citizen confiding in a smiling policeman.
The calendar also gives a peek into the state- of- the- art Police control room and recently introduced Riot Control Police.
Internationally acclaimed fashion & lifestyle photographer Pravin Talan has made it a mission to photograph men and women in uniform and in past four years photographed almost every Indian Defence and Central Armed Police Force that includes Army, Navy, Coast Guard, NSG, BSF, CISF and CRPF.
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