24 year old Roshni Kaur’s Bollywood cover Tenu Dil Chey Vasaya (Hasi Ban Gaye, Cover Version) on YouTube has gone viral and has even received love and appreciation from the composer of the original song Ami Mishra. Roshni is touted as the ultimate YouTube find and is still open to try new things. She will soon be shooting for her first single with Director Guru Sharma at an international location and has already play-backed for a film opposite Mika Singh.
After seeing her cover of Hasi Ban Gaye, Ami Mishra said, “A friend of mine showed me Roshni’s cover of Hasi… To be honest I have seen many talents performing this song, but i loved this one the most. The innocence and subtlety in Roshni’s voice is amazing. She even wrote the Punjabi lyrics by herself. It is great to see such talent and I am pretty sure she has a great musical journey ahead. I wish her all the good luck”
Legendary Music Director Pyarelal Ji too loved Roshni’s songs and blessed her good luck for her journey ahead.
She has a chock-a-block schedule now, with multiple recordings and gigs lined up. Her to-do list also features learning classical music, writing songs, and composing them.
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