On the road to its launch, ALTBalaji and ZEE5 have released creative posters for their newest brainchild “Crshh”. The posters perfectly capture in still images the gist of what the show is about in vibrant colours. The story follows 4 siblings and their journeys after they are separated from each other. There is also the hope that they will find each other and be happily reunited like they once were.
The poster features the main cast Zain Imam, Rohan Mehra, Aditi Sharma, Kunj Anand and Anushka Sen. All very talented artists are sure to make this show a highly anticipated one.
6 posters all depict the relationships between the various characters in the story. One poster depicts the characters’ childhoods which are so crucial to the story and their adult transition into adulthood. We have another depicting the love triangle between the sisters and their crush, Rishabh. One paints a picture of how they will always protect each other, be it sunshine or rain.
While we have another showing us how they are separated by circumstances and distance but how the connection runs deep, to be honest, there are so many subtle messages that can be interpreted in so many ways.
4 siblings separated by a tragedy, tested by time, reunited by fate?
Will the sibling ever realise the importance and strength of their connection? The series is sure to move even the hardest of hearts with its impressive dialogues, acting, and execution.
Make sure you don’t miss out on major news and details related to the show, watch all ALTBalaji and ZEE5 platforms like a hawk.
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