Everest Entertainment’s Everest Music launched Naate Navyane, a romantic song with mukhada‘ Thode Alwarse, Thode Haluwar se…’ on Friday, June 17,2022 in a press conference at Plaza Preview Theatre, Dadar. Directed by Omkar Mane, the romantic number features Ajinkya Raut and Shivani Bawkar. The song has gone live on the Everest Music You Tube channel immediately after its release. The teasers and trailers of the song were released on Wednesday amid the overwhelming response from the music lovers. Lead actors in the album Ajinkya Raut, Shivani Baokar and others along with the director Omkar H Mane, singers Hrishikesh Ranade, Anandi Joshi, music director Shravan Dandawate, lyricist Murlidhar Rane and other crew members were present on the occasion.
The teaser and trailer of the album Naate Navyane were launched on Wednesday amid overwhelming response from the music lovers. The teaser and trailer depict the background of the song which revolves around a love story. It’s the story of the true love of Maira and Jay, the college goers who are struggling with the complicated and confused story. The story with subtle feelings, which the hero finds to explore before his girlfriend… The teaser and trailer have cultivated the ground for the much-awaited release of the song.
“This has been a unique endeavour in Marathi to shoot the album and release it on the YouTube channel. We are committed to undertake more such ventures in the near future. We are sure that the Marathi audience will appreciate the efforts as they have been supporting all our ventures for years,” said Sanjay Chhabria of Everest Entertainment LLP.
Everest Music, a hit music YouTube channel with more than 450 songs and millions of views to them, has a variety of collections from various genres of music. It includes independent singles, devotional, romantic, festival, dance, inspirational songs from films and the independent albums. It also has a collection for kid poems in English and Hindi making it a popular household entity. Besides them, the special categories of songs dedicated to the personas, deities and genres make the channel unparalleled and includes songs on Ganpati Bappa, AmbeDurge, Vitthal, Shivaji Maharaj apart from the film albums and romantic songs from them.
Everest Music, on its YouTube channel, has many favourite songs by various leading artists such as Suresh Wadkar, Sudesh Bhosale, Awdhoot Gupte, Shreya Ghoshal, Sunidhi Chauhan, Ajay-Atul among others. Some of the songs on the channel have received as many as more than 60 million views.
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