Ahan Nirban is a part of the upcoming series titled Nishabd that will be aired in the new channel Atrangii. The show is based on LGBTQ+ community and being produced and co-directed by Mitu, who also runs a successful YouTube channel, Positive Thinkerz. He plays the role of Prabhat in Nishabd.
“There was absolutely no apprehension. Honestly, I was rather a little disappointed that it’s being titled Nishabd. But then I thought it’s meaningful in the way how most of our society is still not open to the pride community and their problems are discussed silently. So it’s time our Nishabd series makes some silent roars for them,” says the Yeh Meri Family actor.
Ahan shares that working with Mitu and Positive Thinderz have been amazing. “I would give up on anything to work with Positive Thinkerz again and again. I wish this wasn’t an episodic show, but a daily soap so that I could be on set with Mitu ma’am and our director Arshima Thapar always. I love working with such a creative and liberal minded individual who allows you to express yourself freely, and gets the best out of you,” he adds.
June is the pride month and therefore Nishabd is more relevant now than ever. On whether this is also a reason for him to say yes to the project, Ahan Nirban says, “Well I have performed similar characters for another such LGBT project and strongly believe that I would continue doing so whenever I get such an opportunity. The reason why I was completely on board for this one was how subtly and beautifully these stories have been handled. In LGBTQ community there is so much more that we don’t know about but are more influenced by wrong portrayals. A ‘YES’ from my side was not only for the script, my character but also for the approach towards driving home a message via this series.”
Ahan feels conversations around same sex relations should start now. “But just conversations here and there about it, won’t really help us to bring about notable changes. How about we use the correct platform for example, a show like Nishabd, to not just inform people and spread some knowledge about different sexual orientations but also teach them a basic sense of acceptance. Let’s all understand this once and for all, we belong to the same human race,” he states.
A generational shift of programming is happening. This is the first time a series like Nishabd based on LGBTQ+ community is being made for TV. Agreeing, he adds, “It’s not something that we talk highly about, so let’s treat this as something which was a need of the hour, and we are quite late in delivering a show based on this topic. Yes, I am glad I am a part of this first attempt but more importantly I feel responsible to deliver the correct message. We have had a month to celebrate the pride community. How about we all be responsible and let the rainbow flag never set?”
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