“Stolen,” the much-anticipated Hindi feature film from Jungle Book Studio, is all set to captivate audiences at the prestigious Venice Film Festival 2023. This thrilling mystery action-packed thriller, starring the exceptionally talented Abhishek Banerjee, alongside Shubham and Mia Maelzer, proudly represents India as its sole selection at the esteemed festival this year. With masterful direction by Karan Tejpal and skillful editing by veteran Shreyas Beltangdy, the film promises an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience. Don’t miss this captivating tale of suspense and intrigue, expertly crafted by producer Gaurav Dhingra and co-writers Agadbumb, Karan Tejpal, and Gaurav Dhingra.
In the remote rural landscapes of India, “Stolen” opens with the chilling events of a cold morning at a railway station. Jhumpa Mahato, an impoverished tribal woman, has her world shattered as her five-month-old baby is snatched from her embrace. Witnessing this heart-wrenching kidnapping are two urban brothers, Gautam and Raman, whose already strained relationship is put to the test as they become entangled in the complexities of the investigation.
Abhishek Banerjee, the lead cast of “Stolen,” expresses his exhilaration at the film’s selection for the prestigious Venice Film Festival. Being part of a project that stands alongside the finest in world cinema talent is a source of pride for him. After years of mainstream acting, he sought edgy and exciting work beyond the confines of popular cinema, finding it in this original and fresh concept brought to life by director Karan Tejpal and producer Gaurav Dhingra. Abhishek’s belief in the vision and capabilities of the team was reaffirmed during the shoot, knowing they were creating something truly special. The film’s recognition at Venice acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the entire crew, making their dream a reality. With its unique storytelling and deeply emotional core, this edge-of-the-seat thriller is sure to captivate audiences and critics alike.
Producer and co-writer Gaurav Dhingra expresses gratitude and elation over “Stolen” being selected for the Venice International Film Festival 2023. The film’s lean and pacey narrative, along with impeccable storytelling and electrifying performances, make it a “World Wide Acquisition” for global audiences. The Jungle Book Studio’s tenet of “Make in Rupee & sell in Dollars!” has proven successful, recognizing the worldwide appeal of Indian stories. “Stolen” distills the art of producing a truly global film, addressing universal anxieties with local flavors within the gripping framework of an action-packed mystery thriller.
Director and co-writer Karan Tejpal shares his deep honor and thrill at presenting “Stolen” at the prestigious Venice Film Festival. Premiering his debut film at such an esteemed international platform echoes the journey of legendary Indian filmmaker, Satyajit Ray, who once won the Golden Lion at Venice. Inspired by the great master, Karan is determined to push the boundaries of his craft and deliver a compelling cinematic experience.
Don’t miss the riveting tale of “Stolen” as it unfolds at the Venice Film Festival, promising to leave a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.