Even weeks after its release, Pushpa 2 continues to dominate the conversation. The film has already claimed the title of the biggest blockbuster of 2024, and as the year winds down, fans can’t stop talking about the upcoming OTT release of Pushpa 2 and, of course, the much-anticipated Pushpa 3. Actress Aanchal Munjal, who left a lasting impression with her small yet memorable role in the film, recently revealed whether she’ll be returning for the third chapter of this epic saga.
When asked about her role in Pushpa 3, Aanchal Munjal said, “I’m not sure what’s planned for Part 3, but I really hope to be a part of it. Fans have been messaging me, asking if my character will be there, and I truly hope it is. Whatever the makers decide, it’s going to be an amazing journey!” Aanchal Munjal also shared some candid thoughts on her experience working in Pushpa 2. “We shot three scenes, but two ended up being cut. The film couldn’t make it, but fans have shown so much love for the one scene that made it to the final cut. When I first saw the film, I was like, ‘Oh my God, they cut my dialogue. I wonder how people will react.’ But the love and appreciation I’ve received has honestly been overwhelming.”
Known for her stellar work in We Are Family and Sei, as well as TV hits like Dhoom Machao Dhoom and Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, Aanchal Munjal made her Tollywood debut with Sukumar’s Pushpa 2: The Rule. Despite her extensive experience in television and film, many were curious about her smaller role in the movie. However, Aanchal sees it as a huge honor. “When I started my career 18 years ago, I didn’t worry about whether I’d land big or small roles. My main goal was to work, to be seen, and to build a name for myself,” she reflected.
Aanchal Munjal added, “My focus has always been on the impact of my scene, and I truly believe it’s a pivotal moment in the story. Even though I was initially disappointed when my dialogues were cut, the overwhelming response from the audience makes me feel so proud to be a part of Pushpa 2. All I wanted was to be a part of this film, and I’ve achieved that!”