India’s largest streaming platform ZEE5 recently announced their upcoming original film ‘Atkan Chatkan’, presented by veteran composer, singer and music producer A. R. Rahman and music directed by legendary Indian percussionist Shivamani. A rhythmic tale about hope and burning desire, the movie will premiere on 5th September.
Check out the trailer released by one of India’s finest singers Sonu Nigam:
‘Atkan Chatkan’ will star Lydian Nadhaswaram who is stated as the world’s best child pianist & A. R. Rahman’s protege and will be seen in the lead as Guddu. The film will star Amitriyaan as Guddu’s father, Sachin Chaudhary as Chuttan, Yash Rane as Madhav, Tamanna Dipak as Meethi and Aayesha Vindhara as Lata, Guddu’s sister in pivotal roles.
The uplifting and emotional trailer gives a glimpse of Guddu’s (Lydian) daily mundane life and how he forms a band with other three street children (Maadhav, Chuttan and Mithi) who work near his tea stall. Their passion is to observe, listen and create new sounds. They find rhythm in almost everything. The story progresses as they face struggles from their family to take part in the biggest music competition in the city. The question is, will they be able to fulfil their ultimate dream by performing on the biggest stage? Or will the street remain as their only chance of hope?
Interestingly, the songs in the films are sung by veterans like Amitabh Bachchan, Sonu Nigam, Hariharan, Runa Sivamani, and Uthara Unnikrishnan.
The film is written and directed by Shiv Hare and produced by Lokaa Entertainment PLC.
Atkan Chatkan premieres Saturday, 5th September on ZEE5
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