Actor Randeep Hooda, renowned for his transformative performances and powerful on-screen presence, is reportedly preparing for a new Hollywood project. Known as a shape-shifter in Bollywood for his ability to delve deeply into his characters, Randeep has now taken off to Budapest to commence filming for his upcoming international venture. If reports are accurate, this marks another major milestone for the actor in Hollywood, following his noteworthy debut in the 2020 action film Extraction, which premiered globally on Netflix.
Having recently garnered acclaim for his compelling performance and directorial debut in Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, Randeep seems poised to leave an indelible mark on the global stage once again. Although specific details about his new Hollywood project are being kept under wraps, a source close to the actor shared, “Randeep is thrilled to begin shooting for this exciting venture. While much remains undisclosed, this role will present him in an entirely new avatar. Filming is set to kick off in Budapest later this week.”
Randeep’s last Hollywood project, Extraction, where he shared screen space with Chris Hemsworth, earned him widespread praise for his intense portrayal and action-packed performance. The film showcased his versatility and solidified his reputation as an actor capable of delivering internationally acclaimed performances.
On the Bollywood front, Randeep has been busy with his next project, Jaat, where he stars alongside Sunny Deol. Directed by Gopichand Malineni, the film is slated for release later this year. As he balances a thriving career in both Bollywood and Hollywood, Randeep continues to prove his mettle as a global performer, seamlessly transitioning between diverse roles and challenging narratives.
With his undeniable talent and dedication to his craft, Randeep Hooda is undoubtedly setting a new benchmark for Indian actors making their mark internationally. Fans eagerly await updates on his Hollywood project and look forward to seeing him in yet another transformative role.