Model-turned-actor Rohit Purohit will be seen playing the character of ‘Dr. Vikrant’ in the upcoming show “Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii” produced by Herumb Khot and Nilanjana Purkayasstha along (Invictus T. Mediaworks and Studio Next). Rohit is making a comeback on television after two years with this show. When we reached out to the actor about the same and while it is an out-and-out medical drama, we quizzed him about whether or not comparisons would be drawn and what does he think about that.
He tells us, ”There have been medical dramas earlier too, we have seen them as well but I don’t think anyone has made it as authentically as we have because of the way we have treated the show and everyone. It is very different and I haven’t seen such a show on Indian television. Not just in terms of medical drama, but even the other journeys that we are showing, they have also been shown in a realistic manner and it is not like there is drama, actors are controlled and we try to keep it natural.”
He adds, ”It is a difficult show but it’s different. When you shoot, you don’t feel like you’re shooting for the TV, we treat it like a web series where everyone will relate. This is not for shows who want to see drama, it is about doctors only. Every character has a different take, and the point of view of each is correct and different, and you will realise that when you see the show.” Herumb Khot and Nilanjana Purkayasstha are known to know the pulse of the audience and have made a fantastic show.
Rohit Purohit is known for playing Karan in Arjun, Mirza Altunia in Razia Sultan, Alexander in Porus and Ranvijay Shroff in Dil Toh Happy Hai ji.
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