Sangita Joshi is renowned and veteran actor from Gujarat whose work has been seen on stage, TV and films. Sangita Joshi is now seen on India’s first rural entertainment channel, Azaad’s new show, Meri Doli Mere Angana as Indulata. The show airs every Monday to Saturday at 9 PM. Seen in various TV series, Sangita Joshi known for the title role of Pannaben in the Gujarati TV serial Preet, Piyu Ane Pannaben.
Here, Sangita Joshi speaks about her new role and more.
Tell us about your journey from Gujarati serials to doing Hindi shows?
Hindi is our national language & from childhood; I have enjoyed speaking in Hindi. In school, I used to read Chanda mama. In college, I used to read Dharmayug, Meri Saheli and other Hindi magazines. I have relished reading Munshi Premchand’s stories. Born in a Gujarati family, I started my acting career on the Gujarati stage. Slowly, I entered Hindi TV serials and films. The transition was very easy as I could speak Hindi fluently. I enjoy doing Hindi films and TV serials and find that its directors, writers, producers & actors too are very good.
What is your role in Meri Doli Mere Angana?
Indulata is a good and prominent mother of the lead protagonist, Janki. Presently, my character is that of a positive mother but in the twist of the story, I am told that my character will be vicious. I am looking forward to it. I’m called Indulata and its funny that at home, my husband nowadays calls me Indu & Lata at times.
How is it working with senior actor like Surendra Pal and young talent like Aastha Abhay?
It’s an excellent experience. Surendra Palji is a renowned actor and more than that, he’s a thorough gentleman. I was very excited to work with him and play the role of his wife. I had watched him years ago in Mahabharata. I have worked very closely with Om Puriji & have also worked with Aamir Khan, Pankaj Tripathi, Sharman Joshi, Manoj Joshi, Aruna Irani, Smriti Irani, Neena Gupta & other well-known actors. So, I am comfortable and enjoying working with Surendraji. As far as the younger artist, Aastha Abhay, we gelled immediately when we did the very first scene. I would also like to mention that I am very lucky that I have found a lovely friend in this serial, Archana Damohe. She is playing the character of my mother-in-law in the show.
What made you accept Meri Doli Mere Angana?
The fact that Azaad is a new channel that is specially created for audiences in rural India is what attracted me towards its first TV show. My character in the serial is fascinating as it has several different shades and I love doing different challenging roles.
Why is Azaad different from other GECs?
First of all, its name Azaad is what caught my attention first as it is meant for rural India. Everyone thinks of people living in cities. Azaad is the first TV channel that has thought for rural population which really needs its own channel showing their culture. Azaad is a free-to-air channel. This will give crores of Indians the opportunity to watch TV. Azaad will give them an opportunity to watch TV and will entertain as well as educate them.
How difficult is it to shoot with the pandemic?
Yes, one has to be careful, maintain distance, use masks and every now and then, use the sanitizer but in Mumbai, people now follow all this and making an attempt to be hygienic. On the set of Meri Doli Mere Angana, utmost care and caution is taken. Everyone wears masks and maintain social distance. The arrangements made by the producers on the set has made all the artists fearless and comfortable.
What made you take up acting as a career?
I guess I was born to be an artist. My natural instinct to be an artist made me work on stage, films & TV serials.
What has been your favorite roles?
I have performed several roles and all of them are my favorite yet the title role of Pannaben, which I played in the Gujarati TV serial ‘ Preet, Piyu ane Pannaben’ was liked by all the viewers & I came to be known as Pannaben. I also like to play difficult roles that give me opportunity to show my acting talent. My present role in Meri Doli Mere Angana appears to be very interesting as I have to act as a loving mother first and then in a very different character as a mother-in-law.
Which actor/s do you admire?
I am a great fan of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and of late Nutanji.
Tell us a little bit about your life? Where do you belong from in Gujarat?
I was born in Rajkot but have been in Mumbai soon after my birth. I belong to a middle-class family. I was very good in my studies and am a commerce graduate.
What is important to you in your personal & professional life?
Honesty, sincerity, dignity & family relations are most important to me. I would prefer to be called a good human being. In my career, I love acting. I want to do different types of roles including good and negative characters. Indulata’s character has different shades.
Why must audiences tune into Azaad at 9 pm daily to watch Meri Doli Mere Aangana?
Because of its good story, great performances and to know more about Indian rural traditions, way of life and social beliefs besides being entertained after a day’s hard work.
Watch Meri Doli Mere Angana at 9 PM, every Monday to Saturday, on Azaad. The channel is available on Tata Sky 183, DD FreeDish Channel no 36 and free on MX Player.
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