Anushka Sharma plays a simple, innocent, sincere yet ambitious embroiderer from heartland India in YRF’s upcoming entertainer Sui Dhaaga – Made in India. Her character balances home and work with equal ease as she, along with her husband Mauji (Varun Dhawan) becomes self-reliant by using her talent of embroidering. Anushka’s look in this much awaited film has been extremely praised. She will be only seen wearing sarees throughout the film and Anushka looks extremely comfortable in a saree while doing hectic daily household duties as well as the demanding handicraft work.
“You are not used to obviously wearing a saree, unless for events or something. Mamta is someone who wears saree every single day, that is what she wears. I had to be so comfortable doing jhadu is a saree, cooking in a saree, climbing up and down the stairs in a saree and looking really easy while doing it. I had to be at ease,” reveals Anushka.
She adds, “No matter what I would be doing, the pallu would stay on my head because I had to be used to it. Normally I don’t laugh like how I’m in Sui Dhaaga but because of the pallu, it used to automatically go on the face. Towards the end I got so used to it that I constantly kept putting pallu in my head, and my body language changed because of the pallu; it helped me so much to play this character.”
A film about finding love and respect through self-reliance, Varun is paired opposite Anushka in Sui Dhaaga – Made in India. Both champion actors, Varun and Anushka have been paired for the first time and are definitely the most-awaited on-screen jodis of 2018. Yash Raj Films’ entertainer is set to release on September 28 this year, just before Gandhi Jayanti.
Sui Dhaaga brings together National Award winning producer-director combo of Maneesh Sharma and Sharat Katariya after their blockbuster Dum Laga Ke Haisha. The film is a special salute to the inherent entrepreneurial spirit that the youth of India and our local artisans have.
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